Monday, June 2, 2014

Trimester 2 - Week 15


Alhamdulillah, I am in my second trimester already. Minggu ni minggu ke 15. Bila google katanya baby sebesar buah epal. Belum rasa apa-apa movement lagi. By 20 weeks baru boleh rasa kot. Eh ayat sama je dengan blog satu lagi haha.. Punye takde idea nak menaip. 

Erm harini sepatutnya ada checkup. Tapi aku terpaksa postpone last minute sebab husband panjat Gunung Kinabalu harini. Planning last minute jugak tu. Less than a week buat preparation. Dengan tak exercise apenye. Huhu harap-harap ok jela dia tu. Tadi pukul 4 mesej dah sampai Laban Rata. Pukul 2 pagi nanti pulak sambung perjalanan ke puncak. Semoga Allah lindungi dia dan rakan-rakan. Semoga selamat sampai ke puncak. 

Macam takde cerita sangat je ni hahaha... 

Mehla kita tempek perkembangan baby umur 15 minggu ye. 

Week 15: Your baby is growing, and his skin is developing

Your baby's internal and external growth continues at a remarkable pace throughout the 15th week of pregnancy.
  • When you're 15 weeks pregnant, your baby is probably about 4-1/2 inches from head to rump, and weighs about 2 to 3 ounces. She’s about the length of a large apple.
  • Hair might appear on your baby’s scalp and eyebrows. Hair follicles even begin to generate the pigments that give hair its color.
  • By your 15th week of pregnancy, your baby's ears probably have reached their permanent position on the side of her head, and her eyes are moving to where they belong on the front of her face.
  • Your baby's skin is developing, but remains extremely thin.
  • Your baby's skeletal system and muscles further develop and strengthen.
  • By the end of your 15th week of pregnancy, your baby might be able to wiggle her fingers and toes, make a fist, or even suck her thumb.

Checkup insyaallah Rabu ni. Nanti aku update pasal checkup la k. Caucincauuu...

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